
Monday, September 26, 2005

Shame! Shame!

Well, having haters isn't all a good thing.
Especially if you have haters who can't comprehend

It's seriously very tough getting a good verbal fight
going along when people simply don't understand sarcasm
and instead have to resort to petty insults about
  1. My love life
  2. My sex life
  3. Me dying a virgin
simply to continue the argument.

Bleah. That's very, very hurting, you know?
Seeing as how I pride myself on being such a freakin' pretty boy
who attracts females by the hordes.

Lookie, lookie at what one anonymous heckler commented,

WC: He trying to get hejin so
that his blog
will b popular..!! what kind
of person is he??
Siao arh... his life is his blog
arh..? Crazy guy...

Phwoar. Cuts right into my heart, that does.
Coming from an anonymous heckler that probably doesn't
know me in real life.

Who probably doesn't even know He Jin in real life,
he's accusing me of trying to win over He Jin so that
my blog will become more popular?

Phwoar! Then you might as well accuse me of trying to get jiggy with
  1. NNA so that I could be on the receiving end of free artwork and assguards,
  2. Becca, because she under the impression that I'm pretty (thus, feeding my ego)
  3. a crunchy green apple, because she's damn smart and good looking.

For one, NNA has a boyfriend who would kick my ass.
Becca and a crunchy apple, I'm sure could summon forces so great
that I'd pee in my pants and die of a heart attack even before they get
their posse to kick my ass.

Cripes, man.
This is terribly depressing, I always thought
that I could make women swoon and drop dead like flies at my feet.
Now you people have seen through that facade;
I'm just a half-assed teen blogger who's trying to gain more popularity
though dating a famous blogger.

Oh woe,
why hath thou cometh at this hour?

I'll be going to Hua Yi Secondary School later on,
my friends tell me there are plenty of opportunities to QCB* there.
I was apprehensive, but heck, I'm feeling so sad,
I think I'll just join them.

*QCB=Qua Char Bor, loosely translated from hokkien' see girl'.

Yea, I'll be at Hua Yi Secondary later on from 2 O'Clock onwards.
I'll be with that bunch of good looking chaps, wearing stylish green
and in a tie, trying hard not to ogle.

People of Hua Yi, welcome us with warm embraces and come say 'Hi'!
Heheh. I promise we won't bite.

The author will be re-doubling efforts
to get laid, after this spate of attacks on
his sexual orientation and his sexuality.

If you see him flirting away and what not,
you know why. He's just trying to prove he's
not gay. I'm not, really.

If you see him and don't mind procreating,
come up and say 'Hi'! And together, together,
me and you; we shall prove the fools wrong and
Rule The World Together! Muahahaha.

Oops. Strike that last bit out.

I'm never dying a virgin!


Anonymous said...

I knew animal magnetism is bad!

See, even the spammers and anti-darth are drawn here, regardless of whether they comprehend what they're reading or writing!

Darthsid said...

Bleah. I don't mind spammers or anti-darth.

But man, stupid ones?
The pits. Absolutely terrible. :(

Jin said...

What? So you have an ulterior motive all along! I should have known!

Anonymous said...

wulu: Perhaps Sid's tagboard is like, the mecca of hate? Every hater and spammers alike are cursing in his direction.

They deserve credits for making Sid look popular. XD