Damnit, I'll just have to find a way to sneak my camera in school to
take a picture of it.
Geeks RE-Convene!
To The Round Table!
Too much of comic books again.
Specifically, this little gem of a comic book.
Powers is bloody fantastic.
Would someone be kind enough to sponsor my comic book addiction?
Where was I?
Oh yea,
Geeks Convening Around the Round Table!
We're stuff of bloody legends I tell ya,
only the bloody elite get into the round table.
What's more it's so bloody exclusive that the Cool Elite can't get in,
even if they wanted to.
You'd have to be a bloody geek to be able to sit on the round table.
Recently, there's been a surge in interlopers in our sacred round table!
This cannot be, our security must have gone lax!
The sacred table must be protected!
Computer Geek, Scout Men, both leaders of your respective
communities, you must rally your minions in driving back these
Ye gods, we're the stuff of fucking legends, that we are.
We've got people who can tie knots so complicated that you'll
be scared off Bondage for the rest of your life.
There's also computer geek, who's cracked the school's
security protocols no less then 6 times,
There's the charismatic leader, who's propelled the group
the indie-cult status, famous throughout the Sec 4 level
by simply being such a public face.
Who's special skills include being able to tell the difference between
Hal Jordan, John Stewart or Kyle Rayner. Who has the ability to
verbally flip off every single idiot who's attempted to break up the
ruminatings of our fellow knights.
We're a bloody awesome group, I tell ya,
convening at the same table for the past 4 years,
knights have come and passed, some of them fallen to the dark,
but the leader remains the same, the table ever standing
a symbol of our pride and heritage.
4 years, my friend.
I've been sitting there for four bloody years,
fights have occurred there, plenty of sex talk, all around bull-shitting,
heck even some flirting has occurred there. (Who says geeky people aren't attractive?)
Now, there comes a new threat,
a shadow that threatens to destroy the very fabric of our group,
the keystone that holds the group together,
the leader who has for the past 3 years never wavered,
holding strong to our ideals unfaltering even when faced with mortal peril.
Social Life.
Happiness, Fun.
Finally, this plague has touched so close to our hearts.
It has crept so silently poisoning us, even as we embraced its sweet sin.
Egad, how could you bloody accuse me of getting 'close' to a girl
when I've only chatted with her once?
How could you insult me so, with your baseless allegations?
I have never endeavoured to meet up with girls nor have a social life.
If chatting up with a girl once is considered getting close,
I must have de-flowered females aplenty already!
How could you mire yourself in such heresy?
Have I not stayed true to the group all these years?
I have been the only one who's weathered the full 3 years that this group has
been together. How could my loyalty be doubted!
Do you dare doubt your King, manservant!?
How dare you spread such discord!
I will have your head, heretic, and make an example of you,
for all to see.
You shall never speak another word, against me or my fellow knights.
I will se you dead, for the words that you speak.
Heretic, feel my wrath, for it will come quick,
savour the pain for your death shall be slow,
I will have your head for all that you've done, I will see you dead,
before the moon changes form.
Enough speak!
My toungue goes lax, my throat dries,
my lips they crack!
Know this interloper (and other interlopers-to-be)
speak of heresy again,
I will take your head, and display it as a trophy for all to see,
hanging proudly on the round table, where the knights convene
to ruminate and celebrate.
Your souls be mine,
and so shall your head.
Here's a picture of the Leader's lair, though.
Quintessential Template For The Single Geek.
Depressing messy and gloomy.
The way to go, for cooking up evil plots and what not.
Two stereos baby!
Woot! What could be more l337?
this was frikkin' hilarious!
Heheh... I'm not even a lit student!
Heh... Loserly Sci student leh...
Figure of speech only leh... I have to wait for exactly 4 more months,before I can actually
de-flower.. Heh, well, a horny teen IS a horny teen.
Nay, rogue!
Laugh not at the misfortunes of the Rond Table!
Stay! Stay where you are!
Heh... Crazy writing.. Eh..
Wah seh.
your room... my room.
I think your room is neater.
what have you been reading man...haha
and don't worry about the state of your room; they say geniuses are mostly slobs.
Of course, my room's untouchable.
Notice the pair of boxers on the floor.
My EL teacher says my writing's been to 'minimalistic'
must endeavour to write flowery and completely nonsensical,
it seems that's the only way to score. :(
Hmmm, genuis... I like that..
Wah seh, theatrics man.
You ought to dig a moat around the Round Table and put some monsters in it, so that all interlopers can be tossed in.
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