Is not a site run by me.
And you'd better not go visit it.
The material contained in that blog can only be the work of a seriously
disturbed individual, who really needs to deal with his issues...
Seriously, how you can speak(?) likethat in public/ make such opinions known in public.
God, you must be some sort of sick fuck.
What's even more disturbing is the number of people who actually suscribe to his bullshit..
Not only does that sick fuck tarnish the good name of all Dicks out there. (Bad pun, I know.)
What's even more worrying is that I share the exact same first and last name as him.
Anyone chancing upon his blog (note the chancing) should know that I do not advocate such smut, and personally would love to impale the other Dick Chan's crotched with a rusty knife rubbed with salt.
I would take great personally pleasure in seeing him wirth in pain as his wounds grow septic and his pain increases.
Much more pleasure than the pleasure the other Dick derives from writing such trash.
I urge all who read this post to boycott afrontmentioned web site and possibly, help contact the MDA about the existence of such a website, and hope fully get the website closed down.
And if anyone knows the real Dick Chan who's running that sick piece of shit,
please kick him in the balls for me. Even better, tell me who he is and where I can find him.
I'll find a rusted knife, somehow.
Heck, I'll even muster enough courage to assault that little jack ass.
I certainly hope that the person running that site isn't someone I know who's trying to tarnish my name. I don't really care what kind of mud my name gets dragged into, I always have a back up plan. Second, you'd have to be a really sick piece of shit to write the things you do.
Third, I don't think any one I know would actually advocate this sort of thing.
Come to think of it, I know a lot of people who would advocate this sort of thing. Bloody sick fucks. I'm going to be watching out for everyone of them.
Bloody disgusting shits.
P.S. I'm not writing this, because someone's using my name to write such smut. I writing this because some one has such audacity to write something so sick and then use a name similar to mine. Hopefully, that person is someone I know. So I can personally thank him for being such a sick piece of shit. RE:above.
Plus, look at how many people suscribe to his shit? How's that for social degradation? Good old pornography just not good enough eh? Now you have to indulge in smut like this too? Sick fucks.
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