You know, I've just figured out why I can't connect
as well with any of my peers.
I haven't engaged in enough social-politics.
You know, the whole changing of friends every 2 months
bitching about who's who and what's what.
Personally, I haven't engaged in enough of that,
which is why, I've been told
'I'm not high profile enough for the latest bitch of the month to flirt with"
Bullshit, I say.
I've certainly heard enough of you people bitch, haven't I?
Damn bitches, bitching never letting me in on part of the bitchiness.
I'm not going to 'friend' you all tomorrow, liao!
We'll see how 'high profile' that gets me.
Till then, I'm going to depend on my old friends
to make a complete fool out of ourselves on the bus.
Laughing so hard that you cry, in a public arena, in full
view of the general public, crying like a little baby.
That's the best medicine for anything.
What other writers do YOU read that live in the west?
Man, I think it's got something to do with the educational institutes located here. NUS, NTU. Go figure.
Cheers, at least you're doing something
to change the problem with the east, eh?
so that means fanny sucks as much as me?we both live in the east.
Nah. Eastsiders don't suck.
It's just that us westsiders have cool
ingrained in us.
Heheh. And besides, I was always of the opinion that the east side
had less pretentcious women. Women are very important eh?
Northlanders are THE SHIT.
now shut up.
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