Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I can't handle it lah.. But I'll try... *sobz*
Throughout this whole event you are the only one who has
the decency to be civil and I thank you for that. Heck, you don't
know how much I respect you for that. I'm not defending, these
are just my thoughts.
All you need to do is to be polite.
Okay, I can't out argue him then. He has a degree in literature. I can't muster the effort to properly argue anyways. I'm having too much of a headache.
Besides, I'm not compelled to argue. He's so polite.
I would just like to disagree with a few points that Charles has raised. And to address some of them too. He's said that I should stop addressing these issues to save any shred of humanity I have left. Well, simply put.
I will stop addressing them, as long as the attacks on my parents stop.
I will stop addressing them, when the threats for physical violence stop.
I will stop addressing them, when I don't have to worry about which punk will try to jump me next.
I will stop addressing them, as long as they cease jumping to conclusions and start having some amount of civility.
You seem to have it that I insult everyone I meet and am a rebel without a cause.
I'm not. Very simply put, I was blowing a load of hot air.
The reason why I'm attacking this group of people so vehmently is simply because they, have jumped into the entire affair without understanding the reasons behind my actions, or the rationale behind my action.
These people are like sheep. Mindless sheep. (Are there any other kind?) They see that I've insulted their friend(albeit unintentionally) and they start insultign me in kind. You just have to look at the very first 'flame' I got.
It had enough 'fucks' for the whole blog, and more. More than half the 'flame' was filled with the word fuck and apart from the word fuck, the flame displayed very little rationale, civility, humility nor respect.
I will admit, this blog is profane.
When writing this blog, I assume the role of an egotist.
I allow people to assume that I'm an egotistical maniac and I brag, I exagerate.
It makes people laugh, I don't have a problem with it. Most of the people who know me in real life, know that I'm not like that. Some of the people who don't know me in real life also know I'm not like that.
It is but a role that I play in this blog.
I'm playing an immature child. I act, my readers act.
They accept.
Ask anyone who knows me in real life, I'm not like that. In fact, if you'd have read some of my other posts, you would have come to realise that too. What you have assumed is that all that I write in my introduction holds true.
That was written nearly 1/2 a year ago. A lot has changed.
I have changed.
People change.
You're asking me to dig deeper.
Well, you're mistake is that you judge by my cover.
If you have been reading my blog regularly, you would realise that,
such insults. Such flaming, occurs only very rarely. That, most of the time
I post about more light hearted topics.
(In fact, what sparked this whole event off was meant to be light hearted. Certain people disagree. Fine. I'm sorry.)
And what you read here.
It's not what I have moulded myself into.
It is what society has moulded me into.
Speaking like a teenager,
"It's not my fault, society has pushed me into a corner."
I could use that excuse, over and over. Then threaten suicide.
What would that achieve?
I claim that my English is good, I know that it isn't.
It's just that after having being labelled over and over again,
the best in the level/class etc. It just sticks. *shrughs* Big deal.
I know it pales in comparison, with what some peopel are able to acheive.
Since that labels has been stuck there, I don't see any harm taking it off.
Same with the egotist label, the in humane one, the profane one and many other
more that have been stuck onto me by others. As long as you are nice about it.
I don't mind. Call me what you want.
And, speaking as an immature child I'd say:
"You assume too much, old man."
Sure, you're old enough to be my father. And you definitely
raise certain valid points. However, due to your assumptions you have neglected to find out what kind of a person I really am. In fact, you have not even scratched the surface.
Some of your assumptions are definitely way off.
And, as for girls watching porn?
I know they don't.
And as I have done before,
I'll do so yet again.
I'm sorry for insinuating the fact that they did.
However, the purpose of my post was more to bring to the attention
of how, increasingly, more and more teenagers are attempting to access/have access to pornography, albeit in a toungue in cheek manner. It was also to bring attention to the fact that more and more teenage girls are having pre-marital/underaged sex.
Although I will admit, that I did not present my message clearly enough.
Taking a quick reality check,
Although I have been guilty of some of the misdemeanours that you have mentioned.
I have also come to realise that my popularity levels are the highest they have been in the 4 years I have been in my secondary school.
And yes. I can be civil, honest and humble.
AS long as you don't blow in like a tornado and try to get your way.
It's the internet. One should be able to control and restrain one's self.
If you're expecting to get a point across, be polite about it. Treat me as You would expect me to treat you. That's all I can say.
Some of my readers will understand.
The material this blog posts and the way things are handled.
You can tell, by the uproar, that they found the lack of respect distasteful,
by the way they came to my defense (or rather attacked, the aggresors) when the first flame came out. Full of insult and none of respect or even that of a calm and rational mind.
Like I said, this is the internet. You have full editorial control over what you say. If you're not afraid of people judging you based on what you say,
you'd better well have the guts to stand by what you say. If you're afraid of judgement, don't say anything at all.
Which is why I run this blog. I'll say what I want and I'll say what I mean. I leave my name behind. I leave my contact for all to see. Judge me all you like. It can only serve to do me good.
P.S. I only sourced out material from her blog, just so to show how much trouble I had caused. Not to embarass her further. I was waiting on judgement about the trouble that I caused, and I got it. I'm sorry if you think that I ws trying to embarass her, I was only trying to set an example, for people not to follow.
P.P.S. If you're lowering your standard just to talk to me, why bother at all?
you could just get back on your high horse and trod over me. It's not like I'm in your way.
P.P.P.S. Charles, how did you find out abot this event?
Anonymous said...
If I didn't lower my standards, I don't know how you would understand me.
As there are so many profanities in your blog, one might think that you have a limited vocabulary.
By the way, I have written a couple of books. Scout for them if you wish, but I'm no best-selling author.
How did I find out about this event? Well, one needs to do his research if he is to come out with another book on "Teenagers and their Blogs".
Look for it. It'll probably be out in the next 6 months or so.
If you are to source out material and wish to leave the author unknown, do NOT copy any picture from that person nor more than a paragraph from it. That would be substantial for anyone to find that person. Something I've learnt.
I do not like to run people down directly. That's why I wouldn't trod over you. If I did, you would be at a lost of words.
Anyway, you don't have to put so many P.S-es. One will do. Just in different paragraphs.
And I will put some parts of your blog in my next book. As I said, no pictures, no complete paragraphs. Just one or two lines would do.
You generate more testerone that any other teenager I have spoken to. Even though you can't control it, you can control what you write.
Being in orgasmic pleasure all the time is awfully disgusting.
I may not know you, but from the way you write and perceive others, I can tell your character. And I know where your life be leading to. Any father would want the best for their child.
Lead your life the way you want it. I'm not your father. I can't stop you from blogging all these. And I won't. All you need to do is to change.
Do it. Everyone can change for the better. And you better, if you want to have a better life in the future. -
11/5/05 2:33 pm
- Darthsid said...
Doesn't matter if you reproduce whole sale.
Just give me credit.
I'm an attention whore.
Besides, you do realise that picture was very vague. There's got to be hundreds of friendster accounts with the exact same thing.
And, if you do want sources for your reasearch, I can probably help you find out plenty more blogs with more sexual content/ 'wider' vocabularaies/ profanities/ testosterone/ suicidal messages. All you need to do is ask. I'd be happy to help.
You obviously haven't done enough research, yet. An extra six months should reveal much more.
Oh yea, as for running people down. I draw the line when you start threatening me with physical violence and/or insulting my parents. Especially when you are an oopurtunist and am simply taking the chance to flame me.
I'm not that full of testosterone. You want to meet people who watch porn then brag about it?
Or would you like to meet people who openly fantasize about their teachers?
Hey, like I said. You are way out of touch.
Read my archives maybe, maybe that will change your opinion about me.
Heck, who knows, it might disgust you more. But please, don't judge me based on this event alone.
P.S. Let me know when you're book comes up eh?
Being orgasmic pleasure all the time isn't bad. You just have to learn to enjoy it.
(Besides, it was a figure of speech). -
11/5/05 3:36 pm
Anonymous said...
I don't mind other blogs with sexual content. I don't mind other blogs with profanities.
There's a reason why.
You are only 15.
I went through some blogs. They are all about 19, 20, 21.
You are but a child.
4 years might not mean much to you, but at least they are legally old enough to have sex. Unlike you.
They can fantasize all they like. They can do as they want. They pay the price for it. If YOU get yourself into some sex-related crime. Then your parents will have to speak up for you. Why? You are but a child. Stop thinking that you are vastly superior to others. You are not.
People who are vastly superior, such as the Prime Minister, are humble. They know where they are and how they should act. Do you?
You are but a child. I have to emphasize this. Your view of the world is different from how we see it.
I'm out of touch? Maybe. Maybe its because my daughters are old enough to care for themselves. They will take over me. All already have their degrees in English Literature.
I should just sit back, relax and enjoy life. I'm not like that. I will be updated soon enough, when my daughters come to visit me.
For those others who are under 18 and choose to blog about porn, and how the fantasize sexually, I don't care. Why? I stumbled onto your blog. A 15 year old boy's blog.
Fantasize all you want. It will affect you socially. I can tell you that. I can't do anything to you. You are not my child.
You are but a child. Know your limits. Show respect. That is the least you can do, as a child. I will judge you no further.
Take my advice or leave it. It is your choice. Remain like this, and you will have to pay the price of your arrogance. -
11/5/05 8:09 pm
- Adrian said...
Big words do not a clever person make, nor advanced years a sage.
Just be yourself, dude. I'm like, way more arrogant than you and look how well I'm doing! HAHAHAHA! Evil always wins because good is dumb. ;) -
11/5/05 8:21 pm
- Darthsid said...
Haha.. One of the reasons why I like your blog so much..
Charles Lee:
If you've read my blog frequently enough,
you'll know that I don't advocate sex.
Especially pre marital sex. I mentioned my distaste for it in passing in several of
my blog entries. Sometimes even dedicating entire entries on the topic.
Bottom line, I don't advocate sex.
It's just talk...
Like everything else on the blog.
The people reading this know not to take me seriously. Can't you tell, when I really
mean somethign and when I'm just kidding about?
seriously... -
12/5/05 12:41 pm
This is my point of view, so if you can't handle it, don't even try.
If you have the least bit of humanity, I believe that you will just stop addressing these matters again and again.
You have stated this, "Fear not how you are percieved by society, but how you are percieved by the one who you love. "
However, by your acts, I believe that even as you don't fear society, they will hate you, and so will the one you love. Are they not part of society? Or, are you just not one of us?
I know you will post this comment on your next blog entry to address whatever situation there is now. I won't stop you.
Out there, there are PEOPLE, living, breathing people with EMOTIONS and FEELINGS. Since you claim your English is vastly superior to the majority, I believe you would know the meaning of the words in capital. Or you have just forgotten them.
I have 3 daughters. And I know how they feel when they tell me that they are hurt. I know my children. And I do not think you know girls at all. I haven't seen my teenage daughters watched porn. I have a system that tracks their every act on the computer. I KNOW they don't watch porn. I don't believe that most girls will.
You certainly have no respect respect nor concern for anyone out there.
You are as you say, a loud mouth. You are also a vulgar person with an uncontrollable flow of testerone in you. I have been past that stage. I know how it feels like.
No wonder teenagers can't mix well with adults. They're just too horny. And I believe that you have just proven my point.
You may make it to a Junior Collge, or a Polytechnic in future, but you will notice your social circle will reduce drastically. You will have lesser and lesser friends, and one day I hope you will have none.
You spend so much time blogging on other people. Why not take a look at yourself first? Look at yourself, I don't think you have scratched the surface. You only say that you are a loudmouth, an antisocial freak, an egotist and you are goodlooking.
What's deeper inside? Do you actually know YOURSELF? I don't believe you do. If you can't even know yourself well enough, then what makes you think you will know others?
You openly poke insults onto people who pass by your blog. You don't even care who they are. You show no respect, to anyone at all. All your friends just speak up for you for a moment, while you are here, palavering and investigating every single word and detail of what one have said. And for what? Is this the only kind of entertainment you have?
Do you enjoy putting people down all the time? Can you not disagree with someone that is opposing your viewpoint? Do you always have the urge to win ALL the time? Can't you give in?
As a child, I can't blame you for your immature acts. You just want to win all the time. It must have took you a lot of courage trying to apologise, or you just did so without feeling anything. If you really were sincere in your apology. I don't believe that you will copy that person's blog and stir up more emotions. You have the most powerful tool in you. It's in your head. Use it well, or one day, it might go against you.
From your teenage language, you would say that I'm just "shitting around". If you think I am "shitting around" and wasting my time on you, well you're wrong. Somewhere along the path of sanity, you have walked off. You have forgotten what it was like to be young and innocent. You have forgotten all of it. I am here not to laugh at how stupid you are, or your friends, but I am here to REMIND you what life is all about.
I can safely tell you it is not about argueing, winning or whatever that you re doing right now.
Physically Mature, Mentally Not.
That's what you are, and that's what you will remain to be, if you don't change. You need to be more humble. By claiming that you are an egotist, doesn't give you the right to go around telling people how handsome you are or how good your English is.
You would rather spend your time starting up flame wars with people you don't know? If so, I don't think you have a life.
If you think your English is THAT good, you can have it out with me.I have a degree in English Literature. Stop trying to think that you are so smart. You are but a child.
For me to talk to you, I have to lower my standards in case you do not understand the words I'm saying.
I don't need to do this. But to see you growing up like this would hurt any adult that can think straight.
Your blog is full of vulgarities and profanities. If you think about it. There are at least 12 million people online each day. Which half could be children. You could be exposing the wrong kind of language to them. Do something right for once.
Stop trying to argue. It will lead you nowhere. Stop this insanity. Why not you apologise to all the people who pass by your blog?
Think about it. Your life, you decide. I can't make the decision for you. All I'm trying to do, is to lead you back to the correct path. Heed me not, and you will suffer the consequences in the future.
I will say it again. Take a look at your life before insulting other people. Stop trying to fight. If you think your life is the way you want it to be, and that you won't change. I cannot stop you.
If you wish to investigate every single word I say, then I can't stop you. If you want to point out the mistakes that I make, I can't stop you. It's your examinations, you decide what you want to do with your time.
Be Humble. That's the least you can do.
Once you are humble, I believe that when you look back, you will see how much time you have spent on this topic. You will notice who you were in the past.
If you don't want to change, carry on with life. It'll worsen for you.
I have spent the last 57 years of my time walking the path of life, and I know what it's like. If you don't want to heed me, I can't do anything.
I just will end off here, with a few words which I suggest you look into it and think about it.
Think about it. Take a look at YOURSELF first before looking at others."