
Saturday, December 11, 2004

Regarding Spam...

It's amazing how much money these porn sites spend.
I wonder how in the blue hell they get my e-mail.

That's just creepy man.
And yes, I do get porno in my e-mail.
Spam, mind you.
And it's irritating.

I was riffing through my spam folder,
searching for legitimate e-mails that may
have been accidentally diverted to the spam folder
when I came across spam.
Not normal spam mind you.

Spam that contained messages such as,
That would be out of point.
Well, nevertheless it was porno.

But what really caught my eye was,
not the naked women.

But the at the ending of these messages,
there seeemed to be a similar trend.
They ended with somewhat poetic(?)
short verses.

Here's an example.

"I carry from my mother's womb a fanatic's heart.If you
must hold yourself up to your children as an object lesson,
hold yourself up as a warning and not an example.

A person consists of his faith. Whatever is his faith, even so is he.
Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and
written by reason.Only an inventor knows how to borrow, and every man is or should be an inventor.

We must laugh before we are happy, for fear we die before
we laugh at all.There are things I can't force. I must adjust.
There are times when the greatest change needed is a change
of my viewpoint. It is by loving and by being loved that one can come nearest to the soul of another.

I hate mankind, for I think of myself as one of the best of them,
and I know how bad I am.How do I love thee? Let me count
the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my
soul can reach.Fame is like a river, that beareth up things light
and swollen, and drowns things weighty and solid. The silent
majority distrusts people who believe in causes.We need not
fear life, because God is the Ruler of all and we need not fear death, because He shares immortality with us.

Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed was the ninth beatitude. I must in the face of a storm, think, live and die as a king.A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success. Man was lost if he went to a usurer, for the interest ran faster than a tiger upon him.

Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love."

Does that sound to you like that of one who would frustrate people
with smut?

I think not.

The person who wrote that is clearly educated.
Why resort to pornography?
I don't know.
Victim of society?

Perhaps so.

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